
Roularta Media Group is strongly committed to biodiversity. A Roularta forest with 15,000 trees has been planted on the 5.8 ha business park. But there is also a wadi, flower meadow, flower border and various shrubs. Natuurpunt has already placed a few nest boxes, but with the help of Ecovery Roularta is taking this a step further. As a multimedia company, communication is of course important. That is why Ecovery devised various nesting facilities with a link to the Roularta logo. The location of the site was taken into account and in this way a sparrow and bat hotel was created. The front is equipped with nest boxes for sparrows, the back is for bats.  

Ecovery also made an insect hotel with a hedgehog box at the bottom and an insect hotel in the shape of the Corten steel logo. These are in and around the flower meadows.

There are 10 different information boards around the walking route, both the graphic design and the construction are provided by Ecovery . The signs are made of HPL (high pressure laminate), very strong sheet material with a top layer that provides protection against vandalism and UV rays.


Roularta Media Group
