
Starlings also feed on leatherjackets and grubs, but due to the finer beak they do not damage the turf. An additional advantage is that starlings breed earlier in the year than crows and rooks. At the moment the demand is higher due to the presence of the boy.

Koksijde Golf ter Hille has long had a tradition of focusing on biodiversity. A golf course is a unique natural landscape, but it also has its challenges. Golf courses, but also football fields, suffer from nuisance caused by grubs and leatherjackets. Grubs are larvae of various beetles that feast on the underground parts of the grass plant. Leatherjackets are larvae of crane flies. These larvae feed on the green of the grass. In addition, crows and other birds cause a lot of damage to the grass while searching for the larvae.

By placing 2 starling lofts, grubs and leatherjackets are controlled ecologically. To make the lifts even more attractive to starlings, several fruit trees were placed around the lifts.

house martin was already present near the main building . house martin was provided in the parking lot. This lift has room for 30 nests.
In addition, the combination of the open landscape and the water features on the site is an interesting location for storks.


Koksijde Golf ter Hille
