House Martin pole middle model

Price on request

The middle model of our house martin pole has room for about 30 nests. We also have a larger and smaller model of the house martin pole . smallest or our largest pole here .

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The house martin pole has already made a major breakthrough with our northern neighbors and in Germany. Placing a house martin pole is an ideal way to house entire populations of house martins . A colony can often be saved by installing a pole when existing homes are renovated or demolished. If it is placed in time and provided it is available when the birds return from their migration there is a good chance that the pole will be occupied if the previous nesting spot is no longer available.

Installing a house martin pole is also a good idea to attract new house martin colonies. In this case it is recommended to provide an installation, with or without solar energy, that plays lure sounds at fixed timetables.

In recent decades, house martins have found it increasingly difficult to find suitable locations for making their nests due to extensive modernization and demolition of old buildings, but also due to a reduced availability of mud and nesting material.