Toad net

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The annual toad migration in February and March causes many victims. Adult animals move from their wintering place to their mating place in the spring. This standing water, in the form of a large puddle, ditch or pond, is often the place where they were born themselve. Europe's dense road network is the culprit for many road casualties. The most important time for a toad transfer is in warm (from 7 degrees) and wet weather.

Ecovery can provide all accessoires for organizing a toad transfer. The specially developed toad net protects amphibians from traffic during toad migration. The net is high enough so that the animals cannot get over it. Once they reach the net, they wait or walk along the net until they end up in the collection buckets. Installation of nets can also be outsourced to Ecovery .

In addition to toads, salamanders and frogs also benefit from a transfer.

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